'growing up with friends'

Parent's Corner
Oatlands Pre-School is open Monday to Friday mornings in term-time only. Our hours are 9am to 12.00pm or 9am to 1pm. Our lunch club operates from 12.00pm to 1pm.
See the drop down for current term dates.
Our Turtles Class is for the younger children and we have our Seahorses Class for those the year prior to Reception.
The pre-school works with parents to support and nurture children, with Parent Consultations in November and March and reports at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms. The child’s key-person, Room Leader or Manager can be contacted during the year for any catch-up discussions or information on an ad hoc basis.
WhatsApp groups help parents stay in touch with the goings on in your child’s class and connect you with the community of parents. The setting of the pre-school makes for easy drop-offs and pick-ups of siblings at local schools.
We encourage parents to get further involved in the pre-school by volunteering for the Committee or by joining a small group of other parents to provide one-off support for a specific event. Where these events raise funds all funds are used to enhance the children’s experience by purchasing resources, or financing days out and experiences in the pre-school setting.
As a charity ourselves we look to help the children understand the work of charities by assisting other charities when we can. Regular support includes:
Collecting funds for World Book Day through a sponsored dress up day
Sponsoring a bear – chosen by the children – through Asociatia Milioane de Prieteni an animal protection organisation in Brasov, Romania
Find out more about Oatlands Pre-School by contacting the Manager, Lois Patrick on manager@oatlandspreschool.org. This email address is constantly monitored including throughout holiday periods.
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